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National Curriculum Guidance


During 2018, the Government held consultations on the best approach to changes in a number of areas of PSHE education, including health and mental wellbeing.

For many years there had been a long campaign for change to make First Aid compulsory for children.

The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 have amended the Education Act (1996 & 2002) to bring these changes into law.

The guidance issued by the Government has said that by the time a child leaves primary school education they should be able to:

  • How to make a clear and efficient call to emergency services if necessary.

  • Understand the concepts of basic First Aid, for example dealing with common injuries, including head injuries.

The guidance also says that by the time a child leaves secondary school education they should know:

  • basic treatment for common injuries.

  • life-saving skills, including how to administer CPR.


The three main skills schools must teach to their school children are Head Injuries, Unconsciousness, and an introduction to CPR. The Resus Rangers Workshops covers all of these, plus other essential First Aid skills in a child-centred approach making First Aid accessible for all ages. You can learn more about the content of our courses here.

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