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International Epilepsy Day

Celebrate International #EpilepsyDay on 12th February

  • 22 January 2024
  • Author: Sarah Hayes
  • Hits: 123

International Epilepsy Day is an annual event organised by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE).

This day is mainly used by the epilepsy community to help promote the implementation of the 'World Health Organisation’s [WHO] 10-year Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders (2022-2031)' or IGAP, which is a 10 year roadmap designed to strengthen the public health approach to epilepsy and to close the major treatment and inclusion gaps for people with epilepsy worldwide. Read more about this here: International Epilepsy Day | International Epilepsy Charity

This #EpilepsyDay 2024, the goal is to improve knowledge and understanding about epilepsy amongst all sectors of society by asking people with epilepsy to share their Epilepsy Journey.

To celebrate International Epilepsy Day, Resus Rangers are asking Primary Schools to encourage their pupils to share their stories about how their journey with epilepsy began, where they are on their journey now, and where they want to be!

So, if your school has pupils with epilepsy stories that they would like to share, please visit: My Journey Story Submission ( and complete the form. #MyEpilepsyJourney

FREE 'First Aid Epilepsy' Resource for Key Stage 2 pupils!

first aid epilepsy resourcesTo support and raise awareness of 'International Epilepsy Day' on 12th February Resus Rangers are offering a free 'First Aid for Epilepsy' classroom resource for KS2 pupils, including a 5 page activity worksheet and answer sheet. To receive your free digital resource, email 'Epilepsy Day' to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..