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Enjoyed the Home Learning Programme?

It's not too late to teach your children essential first aid skills ahead of the new academic year!

There is still time for your children to join the Resus Rangers and teach them essential first aid skills using our Home Learning Programme! Ideal for 4-11 year olds, the programme has everything you need to teach your children something important and educational this summer.

The programme includes:

  • Animated first aid PowerPoint to work through.

  • Lesson Plan and User Guide to tell you exactly what you need to do.

  • Worksheets, games and quizzes to test your family's knowledge.

  • A certificate for when your children complete the programme.

All you need is £20, a printer, TV and 1-2 hours of your time and you can help us achieve our mission to teach all children in the UK the skills to save a life. Click the button below to subscribe now!

Have you already subscribed to the programme and you would like to give us your thoughts? Fill out our quick survey below! Your answers will help us inform the programme for future updates so please be as detailed and honest as possible.

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