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National Young Carer’s Day Assembly with the Resus Rangers|15th March 2023

Did you know that there are at least 23,000 Children in the UK under the age 9 who are young carers, and that they spend on average 2-3 hours a day providing support to someone that they care for?

These hours are often spent doing jobs around the house, supporting with practical and medical help, and more. Young carers can be found in every school across every county!

Young Carers Action Day is celebrated on 15th March 2023 and is a nationwide event which is organised by the Carers Trust. The aim of the event is to raise awareness of the importance of young carers across the country.

Resus Rangers invites your school to celebrate this day with us, as we are launching our free downloadable classroom assembly with supporting worksheet. We will be showing your children what it is like to be a young carer and how other children look after family members with Epilepsy, Diabetes, Crohn’s Disease and other conditions.

We will also be sharing our First Aid tips and taking the opportunity to celebrate our wonderful young carers in the UK on this special day!

National Young Carer’s Day Assembly with the Resus Rangers – 15th March 2023

Our free downloadable 15-minute Classroom Resource/Assembly will be available to download from 12th March, and will include:

- Assembly Video

- Activity Sheet

- Pupil Certificate

Pre-register for the assembly download here.

Reference: The lives of young carers in England – Omnibus survey research report.

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